Faire's Timeline
Faire's updated rain plan map!
Welcome Tent will be located on the library lot by the tent - look for the colorful pendant banners & pickup your map!
Sign-up ahead for a sighted guide to tour the fairgrounds or upon arrival at the Welcome Tent!
DPW fill-a-truck with nonperishables to support the Watertown Food Pantry will be located by the side of City Hall!
11AM - 4PM Farmer's Corner
Farmer Tim's hay maze & market stand goods!
Farmer's Market - pumpkin decorating & apple sampling!
Marsha's Apple Pie Bake-off
11AM - 12noon Pies on display
12noon -1PM Judging
1PM Winners announced with tasting samples to follow while they last!
Sponsored by Arsenal Financial
Firehouse Chili Cook-off
Sponsored by Roche Bros. Watertown
Details coming soon!
11AM - 4PM Pony Rides
11AM - 12noon Animal Adventure
11AM - 4PM Robotics on the Lot!
Hosted by Watertown's robotic team KwarQs!
High school competitions with: LigerBots Newton, Record Robotics Belmont & The Highlanders Somerville
Saltonstall Field located behind City Hall.
11AM - 4PM
Campaign Row
WBC Row (Watertown Business Coalition)
Local vendors, and artisans!
Faire sponsors!
Meet Your City located around the perimeter of City Hall.
11AM - 4PM
Meet with various City Departments, Boards, and Commissions!
The Stage
live entertainment - moved to the library lot under the tent
11AM - 11:50AM Circle of Songs with Hugh Hanley
12PM - 12:45PM Miriam
1PM - 2PM School of Rock
2:30PM - 4PM Lookie Lookie
Guest Experiences!
12PM - 1PM Sir Danny Drake
Strolling entertainment!
11AM - 4PM
Fill a DPW Truck & Support the City's Food Pantry
With every donation of non-perishable items, you'll be entered in a raffle to win a Nest Ring Camera!
Bring your water bottle & fill up with free water throughout the day!
Scavenger Hunt sponsored by Resilient Watertown
Pickup your map at the Welcome Tent!
Did you hear?!
The Armenian Museum of America is offering a special weekend of programs to include free admission and member tours - don't forget to add them to your plans on the day of the Faire!
Located within a block of the fairgrounds - click here for details!